Understanding LASIK Surgery Before Making the Appointment

7 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

LASIK surgery is laser refractive surgery designed to change the shape of your cornea to improve your vision. Whether you are tired of wearing corrective lenses, or you are looking to reduce your need for glasses, LASIK surgery may be right for you. For athletes, the ability to see well without glasses or contacts can greatly improve performance on the field. LASIK surgery improves vision for those that have nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, making it possible for you to see more clearly. Read More 

Causes And Symptoms Of A Mite Infestation In Your Eyelashes

7 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you think about mite infestations, your thoughts probably turn to the dust mites living unseen in your house. The last thing you probably want to hear is that there is a type of parasitic mite that loves to live in your eyelashes. Below are some of the causes of eyelash mites, or Demodex, as well as some of the symptoms they may cause when there is a large infestation in your lashes. Read More 

Are Your Old Glasses Giving You A Headache?

26 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Glasses can help you to achieve perfect vision, but over time, that may change. If you've noticed that you're having frequent headaches that only seem to strike when you're wearing your glasses, the problem might be that they're too old. Here's what you need to know about the three potential causes of headaches from old glasses. Pain from Wrong Prescription As you age, your eyes change. Even slight changes in the shape of the cornea can vastly alter the way that you see the world, and thus it also changes your needs in a vision correction prescription. Read More